We accept cash, check and all major credit cards as well as HSA cards and paypal. We encourage clients to pay in the office, but if you prefer to pay online you can use this site. Please contact our billing specialist, Nicole Mendola at 607-407-4022 or admin@psychologyspecialistsme.com if you have questions about your copay or the session fee.

Make a Payment Online

You can make payments securely online using a credit card through PayPal.

How Paypal Works:

  • Click the "Make a Payment" button below.

  • Add the amount in your payment in the "Price Per Item" field.

  • When you click '"Continue" you'll be taken to the Paypal site.

  • The amount you've entered will appear in a summary to the left.

  • On the right, you can choose to either log in and "pay using your paypal account" (on the top right column) or "pay with credit or debit."

  • Fill in the blanks and click on "Review and Continue".

  • When you've verified the information on the page, click "PAY NOW" on the Paypal screen and you'll be taken to the thank you page.

  • You will receive email verification of your payment.